Jual Kantor - Jakarta Office Space for Sale

By Admin, on February 7th, 2025     
- Office Building Name: Intiland Tower
- Location: Intiland Tower Level 3, Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 101-103 Jawa Timur 60271, Indonesia
- Floor/View: Level 3
- Size: – m2
- Condition: Fully Furnished
- Facility:
Work Form Anywhere with Virtual Office vOffice!
Memperkenalkan Kantor Virtual dari vOffice, solusi sempurna bagi pengusaha dan bisnis yang mencari ruang kantor yang fleksibel dan hemat biaya. Ruang kantor non-fisik kami terletak di zona bisnis utama dan dapat digunakan sebagai alamat bisnis resmi Anda.
Fasilitas yang Anda dapatkan:
- Layanan Mail Handling
- Layanan Resepsionis
- Jasa Call Center & Penyambungan Telepon
- Kuota Pemakaian Meeting Room
- Zonasi Perkantoran
- Nomor Telepon Khusus
- Alamat Bisnis Strategis dan Prestisius
- Pengurusan Legal
- Pengurusan PKP
- Domisili Gedung
Tersedia di lebih dari 40 lokasi di Indonesia.
Memberikan Anda kemudahan dan fleksibilitas untuk bekerja dari mana saja. Plus, Anda dapat menghemat hingga 90% untuk biaya operasional!
- Additional Info:
Additional services:
- Pendirian PT mulai dari 4,9jt
- Pendirian CV mulai dari 3,9jt
- Meeting Room mulai dari 250rb/jam
Hubungi kami untuk info Promo dan Penawaran Menarik lainnya.
- Rental Price: Gabung sekarang dan dapatkan Harga Spesial mulai dari 299rb/bulan (S&K Berlaku)
- Contact: 0821-1205-6509
- WhatsApp: 082112056509
- E-mail: cs@voffice.co.id
Tempat Usaha

By Admin, on February 5th, 2025      
- Office Building Name: Menara Astra Sudirman
- Location: Jln. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 5-6 Jakarta Pusat
- Floor/View: View to City, Low, Medium, and High Floor
- Size: 200, 340, 500, and 1000 m2
- Condition: Bare and semi furnished
- Facility:
- Luxurious lobby
- ATM center
- Food court
- 24 hours security
- Supermarket
- Cafe Very near to Busway Station and MRT
- Additional Info:
- We can assist in managing the domicile letter
- We also provide other office alternatives at Sudirman, Thamrin, SCBD, and other area
- We can be contacted through Whatsapp or Direct Call
- Kami dapat membantu untuk mengurus surat domisili kelurahan
- Tersedia unit kantor lain di daerah Sudirman, Thamrin dan sekitarnya
- Dapat hubungi kami lewat WA atau call
- Selling Price: Please Call us for further information
- Rental Price: 340,000 IDR/sqm/month (excluding service charge)
- Contact: +6281295793810 (Please contact us by WA or call)
- E-mail: jktofficesuites@gmail.com
By Admin, on February 4th, 2025
By Admin, on February 3rd, 2025      
- Office Building Name: Gedung Kopi
- Location: Jl. R.P. Soeroso No.20, Cikini, Jakarta Pusat
- Floor/View: Lantai 4 / ruang 403
- Size: m2
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility: Virtual Office (VO). Fasilitas:
- Surat Keterangan Domisili Perusahaan yang diterbitkan oleh MANAJEMEN GEDUNG KOPI
- Alamat surat menyurat
- Menerima surat masuk / paket
- Menerima pesan dari telepon masuk untuk perusahaan
- Notifikasi untuk point No.3 & 4 melalui WA atau Email
- Gratis pemakaian meeting room 4 jam / bulan (tidak akumulatif)
- Wi-Fi
- Gratis minuman: air mineral, teh atau kopi (Swa-layan)
- Additional Info:
- Lokasi sangat strategis
- 500m dari Stasiun Gondangdia
- 1km dari Stasiun Cikini
- Dilewati oleh Trans Jakarta rute: Tanah Abang – Kampung Melayu, Senen – Lebak Bulus, juga Jaklingko
- Banyak spot kuliner (Bunga Pepaya, Payakumbuah, Menteng Huis, dll)
- Dekat bank
- Dekat Kantor Pos
- Selling Price: Paket Jasa Pendirian
1. Paket Pendirian PT Rp. 6.000.000,- 2. Paket Pendirian CV Rp. 5.000.000,- 3. Paket PKP Rp. 3.500.000,- 4. Lapor LKPM Rp. 750.000,- 5. Perizinan SBU Konstruksi Harga Tergantung Bidang Usaha
- Rental Price:
- Private Office Rp 225.000,-/m2 (before tax)
- Virtual Office PMDN (non PKP) Rp 2.500.000,- / tahun (before tax)
- Virtual Office PMDN (PKP) Rp 3.500.000,- / tahun (before tax)
- Virtual Office PMA (non PKP) Rp 4.000.000,- / tahun (before tax)
- Virtual Office PMA (PKP) Rp 4.500.000,- / tahun (before tax)
- Dedicated Desk Rp 1.000.000,- / bulan (before tax)
- Coworking Desk Rp 100.000,- / hari (before tax)
- Contact: 0213154007
- WhatsApp: 082364285620
- E-mail: hormatrambe75@gmail.com
By Admin, on January 31st, 2025   
- Office Building Name: Plaza Timor
- Location: Jl. Timor No.2, RT.(/RW.4, Gondangdia, Menteng, Kota Jakarta Pusat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 10350
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 215m², 138m², 120m² semi gross
- Condition: Semi fitted dan furnished
- Facility: ATM, kantin, parkir, musholla, meeting room, security 24 jam dan cctv
- Additional Info:
- Berada di lokasi Gondangdia area dan dekat dengan gedung perkantoran lainnya
- Transportasi dekat dengan MRT Bundaran HI dan MRT Sarinah, Transjakarta (Halte Sarinah), taksi dan transportasi online
- Dekat dengan shopping mall Sarinah Mall, Plaza Indonesia, Hotel Mandarin dan Grand Indonesia
- Selling Price:
- Base rent :
- Bare & semi furnished : Rp. 180,000/m²/bulan, exclude pajak 11%
- Furnishe : Rp. 200,000/m²/bulan, exclude pajak 11%
- Service charge : Rp. 90,000 /m²/bulan, exclude pajak 11%
- Lease Term : 3 (three) years
- Term of Payment : semi annually *
- Security deposit : 3 (three) gross rent
- Contact: Hubungi Team Sava Properti : 0811-876-776 (Esti)
MORE LISTING : www.sava.co.id LINK IKLAN : https://sava.co.id/property/disewakan-ruang-kantor-di-plaza-timor-area-gondangdia-jakarta-pusat-4760
- WhatsApp: 0811876776
- E-mail: savajakarta@gmail.com
By Admin, on January 31st, 2025   
- Office Building Name: Wisma Nugra Santana
- Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 7-8, Karet Tengsin, Jakarta Pusat 10220
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 50m² – 1,219.88m² semi gross m2
- Condition: bare/partisi
- Facility:
- ATM & Bank
- Kantin
- Mini market
- Mushalla
- Coffee shop
- Parkir
- Security 24 jam & cctv
- Additional Info: Wisma Nugra Santana merupakan salah satu gedung perkantoran di CBD Sudirman Jakarta Pusat dan Grade C. Wisma Nugra Santana juga menyewakan ruang kantor dengan harga sewa yang kompetitif dan beberapa selling point lainnya seperti :
- Wisma Nugra Santana berada di lokasi strategis area bisnis Jakarta Pusat
- Dekat dengan Apartemen Pavilion, Apartemen Istana Sahid, Apartemen Sudirman Park dan Cityloft Sudirman
- Dekat dengan shopping mall Citywalk Sudirman, Grand Indonesia dan The Plaza, dekat dengan Universitas (LSPR Jakarta) dan rumah sakit (Sahid Sahirman Memorial Hospital)
- Transportasi dapat di akses dengan Tranjakarta (Halte Setiabudi), MRT (Stasiun Setibudi ASTRA), taksi dan transportasi online.
- Rental Price:
- Base rent : Rp. 175,000 /m²/bulan, exclude ppn 11%
- Service charge : Rp. 75,000 /m²/bulan, exclude ppn 11%
- Lease Term : 3 tahun
- Term of Payment : Quarterly in advance
- Security Deposit : 3 months gross rent
- Contact: Hubungi Team Sava Properti : 0811-876-776 (Esti)
MORE LISTING : www.sava.co.id LINK IKLAN : https://sava.co.id/property/disewakan-ruang-kantor-di-wisma-nugra-santana-cbd-sudirman-jakarta-pusat-4829
- WhatsApp: 0811876776
- E-mail: savajakarta@gmail.com
By Admin, on January 16th, 2025      
- Office Building Name: Sahid Sudirman Centre
- Location: Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 86, Karet Tengsin, Kec. Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat 10220
- Floor/View: City View
- Size: 250 m2
- Condition: Bare
- Facility: Luxurious Lobby, ATM Center, Food Court, 24 Hours Security, Supermarket, Cafe, Busway Station, MRT Station, Starbuck Cafe, Bank.
- Additional Info:
- Strategic location at Central Jakarta City with 24-Hours public transportation and can be accessed from various directions.
- Close to CBD (Central Business District) Area: Sudirman, Thamrin, Kuningan, Gatot Subroto and arround.
- Surrounded by Luxurious Mall: Plaza Indonesia, Grand Indonesia, Plaza EX, Plaza Semanggi, Plaza FX Sudirman, Sarinah, and City Walk
- Rental Price: Rp 280.000 / sqm
- Contact: WhatsApp: +62 811-1877-811 (Justan)
- WhatsApp: 628111877811
By Admin, on January 15th, 2025  
- Office Building Name: Wisma 46 BNI
- Location: Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 1 Jakarta Pusat 10220
- Floor/View: All Floor/Zone/Size
- Size: 442 sqm m2
- Condition: Furnished / Unfurnished / Fitted / Bare Condition
- Facility:
- Wisma 46 has such prime location, close to several shopping mall, restaurants, prestigious hospitals, and hig-end hotels in Jakarta Pusat area, specifically in Sudirman.
- 45 minute drive to Soekarno Hatta – International Airport.
- 10 minute walking distance to Sudirman Train Station.
- 5 minute walking distance to Dukuh Atas Bus Stop
- Near to MRT and LRT station
- Additional Info: This office is also available in any other size (please contact Raissa Sava Properti for more information)
- Rental Price:
- Base Rent : Rp 250.000/sqm
- Service Charge : Rp 100.000/sqm/month
- Contact: Raissa Sava Properti (+62858-8572-0882)
- WhatsApp: 6285885720882
- E-mail: zeiantoine@gmail.com
By Admin, on January 15th, 2025   
- Office Building Name: –
- Location: Jl. H. R. Rasuna Said No No.kav B4 10, RT.10/RW.7, Kuningan, Setia Budi, Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 12910
- Floor/View: All Floor/Zone/Size
- Size: 100 sqm m2
- Condition: Furnished / Unfurnished / Fitted / Bare Condition
- Facility:
- Wisma Kodel is an office building in H Rasuna Said, one of the long-standing buildings in the Kuningan CBD area and has complete and adequate office facilities such as a large parking lot, prayer room, ATM and bank, food court and cafe, and 24-hour security complete with CCTV
- Location close to Setiabudi One, Four Seasons Apartment, Setiabudi Apartment and Setiabudi Sky Garden Apartment
- Location close to the Saudi Arabian Embassy office
- Easy access to public transportation such as Transjakarta Bus Stop (Kuningan Madya Aini) and LRT Station
- Additional Info: This office also has any other size options (please contact Raissa Sava Properti for more information).
- Rental Price:
- Base Rent : Rp 140.000/sqm/month
- Service Charge : Rp 80.000/sqm/month
- Contact: Raissa Sava Properti (+62 858-8572-0882)
- WhatsApp: 6285885720882
- E-mail: zeiantoine@gmail.com
By Admin, on January 15th, 2025      
- Office Building Name: Autograph Tower – Highest Building in Indonesia
- Location: Jln. MH Thamrin No. 10 Jakarta Pusat
Central Jakarta
- Floor/View: Low to High Floor with City view
- Size: 150, 250, 280, 300, 500, 800, 1750 m2
- Condition: Bare to Furnished Conditions
- Facility:
- Strategic Location
- Super prestigious business address
- Minimarket
- Walking distance to MRT Tosari
- Walking distance to Busway Station
- Additional Info: We also provide other office locations at SCBD Area, Sudirman, Mega Kuningan, Senayan, and Kuningan, please contact us!
- Selling Price: Starting from 60 million IDR/sqm, exclude tax
- Rental Price: Base Rental : 250,000 IDR/sqm/month (PROMO RATE, limited unit!)
Service Charge: 110,000 IDR/sqm/month Exclude VAT of 10%
- Contact: +6281295793810
Please CALL or WA us, we will definitely will respond to your inquiries!
- WhatsApp: 6281295793810
- E-mail: jktofficesuites@gmail.com
Sewa Kantor Jakarta Pusat