Jual Kantor - Jakarta Office Space for Sale

By Admin, on February 14th, 2023      
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location: Graha Mustika Ratu Lt.6, Jl. Gatot Subroto Kav.74-75, Jakarta Selatan, 12870
- Floor/View: Lt. 6
- Size: –
- Condition:
- Ada dua ruang serviced office:
- 1 kapasitas maks. 7 staff
- 1 kapasitas maks. 4 staff
- Ruang Kerja full furnished dengan Meja dan Bangku
- Facility:
- Receptionist
- 1 Kunci Kantor Access Card
- Alamat bisnis
- Mail handling
- Pengunaan Meeting Room (tergantung masa sewa)
- Domisili Gedung
- Unlimited Internet Access
- Free Mineral Water
- Pengurusan Buka Rekening Perusahaan
- Konsultasi Perizinan
- Konsultasi Pajak
- Additional Info:
- Bisa urus PKP, dengan biaya tambahan 750rb
- Additional Nomor fix line kantor (dll.) dari Smartphone Anda, tanpa Pesawat Telepon (Registrasi 300rb, perbulan abonemen 200rb, outgoing call free 75rb)
- Additional Pengurusan Ijin: Pendirian PT, CV, PMA, SKUP Migas, Sertifikat Halal, SNI, BPOM, K3L, SMK3, Laik Fungsi, Laik Hygiene, Catering, Restaurant, Izin Edar PKRT, Izin Impor, Farmasi, SBUJK, ISO 22000, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 27000, ISO 9001, Dll.
- Rental Price: Rp 15.000.000 / bulan
- Contact: 0878-8881-8271
- WhatsApp: 087888818271
Tempat Usaha

By Admin, on September 9th, 2022      
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location: Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75, Tebet, Menteng Dalam, Jakarta Selatan 12870
- Floor/View: 6th Floor / City View
- Size: 60 m2
- Condition: Furnished
- Facility:
- Business Address
- Receptionist
- Domicile Letter
- Mail Handling
- Mineral Water
- Additional Fix Line Office Phone
- Additional Perijinan Sertifikat Halal, HKI, Ijin Edar, BPOM, API, HACCP, ISO 9001, ISO 22000, ISO 14001, dll.
- Additional Info: Free Meeting Room 2 jam pada 6 bulan pertama
- Rental Price:
- VIRTUAL OFFICE Rp 2.000.000/tahun
- DEDICATED DESK Rp 1.500.000/bulan (1meja+1kursi)
- MEETING ROOM Rp 75.000/jam
- Contact: 08111555073
- WhatsApp: 08111555073
- E-mail: businessdev.cnk@gmail.com
By Admin, on February 6th, 2020
By Admin, on January 21st, 2019
By Admin, on September 25th, 2018   
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location: cGreen Business Center, Graha Mustika Ratu, 5th Floor #503. Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto kav. 74-75 Jakarta 12870
- Floor/View: 7/ Non View
- Size: 7 m2
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Personal access key to the room, prestigious business address,receptionist,telephone number, facsimile number , mail handling, personal answering for incoming call, internet access – wi-fi, building service charge, tea, coffee, and mineral water, room cleaning service, AC, electricity, lighting, notification of incoming calls, and messages, elevator, free incoming fax 5 pages/month, free meeting room 5 hrs/month, disc. 10% for supporting facilities, free building domicilie letter.
- Additional Info:
- Max 3 orang
- Tersedia paket sewa 3 bulan, 6 bulan dan 12 bulan.
- Security deposit 1 bulan sewa, deposit line telepon Rp 1.500.000
- Rental Price: Mulai Rp 4.500.000/bulan
- Contact: 62-21 83707142 / 087883184146
- E-mail: cgreen_bc@cgreen-bc.com
By Admin, on September 25th, 2018   
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location: cGreen Business Center, Graha Mustika Ratu, 5th Floor #503, Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto kav. 74-75, Jakarta 12870
- Floor/View: 5/Non view
- Size: 15 m2
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Personal access key to the room, prestigious business address,receptionist,telephone number, facsimile number , mail handling, personal answering for incoming call, internet access – wi-fi, building service charge, tea, coffee, mineral water, room cleaning service, AC, electricity, lighting, notification of incoming calls, and messages, elevator, free incoming fax 5 pages/month, free meeting room 5 hrs/month, disc. 10% for supporting facilities, free building domicilie letter.
- Additional Info:
- Max 5 orang
- Tersedia paket sewa 3 bulan, 6 bulan dan 12 bulan.
- Security deposit 1 bulan sewa, deposit line telepon Rp 1.500.000
- Rental Price: Mulai Rp 7.000.000/bulan
- Contact: 62-021 83707142 / 087883184146
- E-mail: cgreen_bc@cgreen-bc.com
By Admin, on September 25th, 2018   
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location:
- cGreen Business Center
Graha Mustika Ratu, 5th Floor #505 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto kav. 74-75 Jakarta 12870
- Tel: 021-83707142
- Fax: 021-8306607
- Floor/View: 5 – view
- Size: 8 m2
- Condition: Fully furnished siap pakai
- Facility: Personal access key to the room, prestigious business address,receptionist,telephone number, facsimile number , mail handling, personal answering for incoming call, internet access – wi-fi, building service charge, tea, coffee, mineral water, room cleaning service, AC, electricity, lighting, notification of incoming calls, and messages, elevator, free incoming fax 5 pages/month, free meeting room 5 hrs/month, disc. 10% for supporting facilities, free building domicilie letter.
- Additional Info:
- Max 4 orang
- Tersedia paket sewa 3 bulan, 6 bulan dan 12 bulan.
- Security deposit 1 bulan sewa, deposit line telepon Rp 1.500.000
- Selling Price: –
- Rental Price: Mulai Rp 4.600.000/bulan
- Contact: 62-21 83707142 / 087883184146
- E-mail: cgreen_bc@cgreen-bc.com
By Admin, on September 7th, 2017      
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu / cGreen Business Center
- Location: Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 74-75, Jakarta Selatan 12870
- Floor/View: 5th Floor/Non view & view
- Size: 4-15 m2
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Personal access key to the room, prestigious business address, receptionist, AC, listrik, telephone, fax bersama, WIFI, mail handling, personal answering for incoming call, notification of incoming calls, fax and messages, complimentary of meeting room starting 3 hours/month, complimentary of incoming fax 5 pages/month, meeting room capacity max 20 pax. Discount 10% for usage of supporting facilities
- Additional Info: Bebas 3 in 1. Tersedia sewa Virtual Office mulai dari Rp 600.000/bulan dengan forwarding call. Paket sewa 3 bulan, 6 bulan, 12 bulan.
- Rental Price: Mulai Rp 2.600.000
- Contact: 02183707142 / 08128320864
- E-mail: cgreenoffice@cgreen-bc.com; cgreen_bc@cgreen-bc.com
By Admin, on April 22nd, 2015      
- Office Building Name: Graha Mustika Ratu
- Location: Jln. Jend. Gatot Subroto kav. 74-75, Jakarta 12870
- Floor/View: 5th Floor / Non View & View
- Size: 6 – 16 m2
- Condition: Fully furnished
- Facility: Personal access key to the room, prestigious business address, receptionist, AC – listrik, telephone, fax bersama, WIFI, mail handling, personal answering for incoming call, notification of incoming calls, faxs, and messages, complimentary of meeting room starting 4 hours/month, complimentary of incoming fax 5 pages/month, meeting room capacity max 20 pax. Discount 10% for usage of supporting facilities
- Additional Info: Bebas 3 in 1. Tersedia sewa Virtual Office mulai dari Rp 600.000/bulan dengan forwarding call. Paket sewa 3 bulan, 6 bulan, 12 bulan.
- Rental Price: Please call
- Contact: 02183707142 / 08128320864
- E-mail: cgreenoffice@cg-learning.com; cgreenoffice@yahoo.com
Graha Mustika Ratu