Jual Kantor - Jakarta Office Space for Sale
By Admin, on October 2nd, 2024
- Office Building Name: Office District 8 Treasury Tower
- Location: District 8 Complex, Lot 28 SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 1,043 m2
- Condition: Partition
Hanya 1 unit yang tidak tersewa
- Facility:
- ASHTA Mall, very easy access to & from SCBD
- Spacious luxurious lobby
- 2 VIP lifts, VIP bathrooms
- Access card VIP lift and common lifts
- Double-decker lift, odd-even system, fastest & safest
- Emergency exit& basement parking
- Electric Vehicle Charging Station at LG
- Bank
- Helipad parking
- 24-hour security and CCTV
- Coffee Shop
- Canteen & Mushola at B1 B2
- Additional Info:
- District 8 is a brand new office building consisting of 2 towers, Treasury and Prosperity.
- Prestigiously located in the SCBD area with access to the DISTRICT 8 Market Place mall and very suitable for start-up companies, representative offices and branding IPO offices.
- Super luxurious facilities with double decker lift, helipad, 4 layer basement parking and 24 hour security.
- Surrounded by various supporting facilities, such as: Supermarkets, ATMs, Restaurants, Hotels, etc.
- Waktu tempuh & Fasilitas:
- 1 menit ke Grand Lucky SCBD
- 3 menit ke Pacific Place Mall
- 5 menit ke MRT Senayan & Transjakarta
- 8 menit ke GBK Senayan
- Akses shuttle bus SCBD area
- Located strategically in the premium area in South Jakarta
- Walking distance to the SCBD area, and very close to the exclusive shopping malls (Pacific Place, Senayan City, Plaza Senayan, FX Mall) and surrounded by many Office.
- Selling Price: IDR 70,000,000 / m2
- Contact: Otin 0811 8111278
- WhatsApp: 08118111278
- E-mail: otin@grahaniaga.co.id
Tempat Usaha
By Admin, on October 2nd, 2024
- Office Building Name: Centennial Tower
- Location: Jl. Jendral Gatot Subroto Kav 24-25, Karet Semanggi, Setiabudi Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 2,806 m2
- Condition: Bare Condition
- Facility:
- Internet access
- Telephone line
- Building access
- Air conditioner
- 24-hour security
- 24-hour access door
- Office tenants are 2,9 meters ceiling height
- Comforting VRF AC system
- 24-hour security system is provided, with screening and gate barriers for vehicle
- CCTV is also provided throughout public areas.
- The Centennial Tower salutes guest with the grandeur of 8 meters lobby ceiling, while 16 passenger lifts carry tenants and visitors to their destination.
- Bank
- ATM gallery
- Mini market
- Coffee shop
- Cafetaria
- Additional Info: Located strategically on Gatot Subroto, the Centennial Tower is in the vicinity of the Semanggi interchange, in the proximity of the Mega Kuningan City CBD, Sudirman CBD where most of Indonesia’s financial, business, and entertainment heartbeat lies. The inner-city toll road just across, enabling direct access to airports, major ports, and satellite cities.
Centennial Tower is Strata Title Office Building, a new Grade A office building
- Selling Price: Rp 40,000,000 / sqm (open for negotiation)
- Contact: Otin 0811 8111278
- WhatsApp: 08118111278
- E-mail: otin@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on June 26th, 2024
- Office Building Name: Graha CIMB Niaga
- Location: Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.58 Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: Low&High zone, view Sudirman – Kawasan SCBD
- Size: 100 – 225 m2 Furnished / 1,600 Bare m2
- Condition: Fully Furnished / Bare
- Facility: Meeting Room, Financial Suite, Fitness Center, Medical Clinic, Tour & Travel, Bank, Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Food Court Kave 58, Mini Market/bakery, Hair Salon, Photocopy/Printing, Money Changer, ATM Center.
- Additional Info:
- Grade A Office Building:Strategic location (located in SCBD)
- Akses mudah, lokasi Jalan Jenderal Sudirman yang akan dilalui MRT
- Dekat Pusat Keuangan Indonesia Bursa Efek Jakarta
- Masuk dalam kawasan SCBD yang lengkap dengan Hotel, Mall, Supermarket dan Senopati pusat culiner
- Complete facilities and features
- Green Building Recognition (Platinum)
- Service Excellent
- Terms of payment : The rent, service charge and VAT are to be paid quarterly in advance.
- Office hours :
- 07.00 WIB – 18.00 WIB : Senin – Jumat
- 07.00 WIB – 13.00 WIB : Sabtu
- Selling Price: Please Call 0821-29179698 (WA)
- Rental Price:
- (Furnished) : Rp.350.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- (Bare/kosong) : Rp.275.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- (Bisa nego di Rentalnya) (Direct to Management)
- Service Charge: Rp 125.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- Contact: Gerald
0821-29179698 (WA) For The Best Price & Good Deal, pleasecall
- WhatsApp: 082129179698
- E-mail: gerald@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on June 25th, 2024
- Office Building Name: Gedung 3 Lantai
- Location: Jl. Jemur Andayani No.33, Jemur Wonosari, Kec. Wonocolo, Surabaya, Jawa Timur 60237
- Floor/View: Bangunan 3 Lantai, Jalan Raya Jemur Andayani
- Size: Luas tanah : 500 m2 Luas bangunan : 912 m2
- Condition:
- Bangunan 3 lantai terawat dengan baik, menghadap Selatan, Lokasi strategis
- Meliputi Ruang Tamu/Lobby : Ada
- Ruang Meeting : Ruang Meeting Besar & Kecil
- Ruang Serbaguna : Rooftop
- Kamar mandi : 7 (ada disetiap lantai)
- Ruang parkir Mobil & Motor luas
- Daya listrik : 33.000 Watt, 10.500VA dan PDAM, Silahkan hubungi kami!
- Facility:
- Sertifikat SHGB atas nama PT,
- Kapasitas Tempat Parkir :
– Roda 2 : 20 Kendaraan – Roda 4 : 9 Kendaraan
- 2 ruang Mushola, Rooftop, Ruang taman dengan Pantry
- Additional Info: Akses jalan tol, dekat jalan raya, dekat kawasan bisnis, dekat pusat belanja, dekat sekolah, dekat hotel, dekat tempat ibadah dan bebas banjir.
- Selling Price: Please Call direct to Marketing in House
- Rental Price: Hubungi untuk harga terbaik (Direct to Marketing)
- Contact: 082129179698 (WA)
- WhatsApp: 082129179698
- E-mail: gerald@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on June 20th, 2024
- Office Building Name: Gedung 3 Lantai
- Location: Di Jl.Raya Tanjung Barat No.107, Tanjung Barat, Jagakarsa, Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: Bangunan 3 Lantai, Jalan raya
- Size: Luas tanah : 876 m2 Luas bangunan : 629 m2
- Condition:
- Bangunan terawat dengan baik, meliputi
- Ruang Tamu : Ada
- Ruang Meeting : Ruang Meeting Besar & Kecil
- Ruang Serbaguna : Aula & Mess
- Kamar mandi : 9
- Ruang parkir luas terdiri : 15 Mobil, 20 Motor
- Daya listrik : 33.000 Watt dan Air Jet PAM
- Facility: AC, internet, keamanan 24jam, pusat bisnis, tv kabel, Ruang taman dengan gazebo
- Additional Info: Akses jalan tol, masuk mobil, dekat jalan raya, dekat kawasan bisnis, dekat pusat belanja, dekat stasiun, dekat sekolah, dekat RS, dekat tempat ibadah dan bebas banjir
- Selling Price: Please Call 082129179698 direct to Marketing in House
- Rental Price: Please Call 082129179698 direct to Marketing in House
- Contact: 082129179698
- WhatsApp: 082129179698
- E-mail: gerald@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on January 22nd, 2024
- Office Building Name: Gedung 3 Lantai
- Location: Jl. Laswi, Kel. Cibangkong, Kec. Batununggal, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat
- Floor/View: 3 Lantai, view jalan utama laswi
- Size: LT : 334, LB :457,5m2 m2
- Condition: Bangunan kondisi terawat baik dan Kosong area
- Facility: Tersedia Ruang Meeting besar, Ruang Kantor dilt.1&2, Ruang Mushola, R.Pantry, R. Pos Keamanan, R.Toilet di lantai 1&2, Listrik : 22.000 Watt, Air : PDAM 131820 dan Area Parkir Mobil dan Motor
- Additional Info:
- SHM, Berada di lokasi Strategis area dan dekat dengan gedung perkantoran lainnya,
dekat unpas universitas pasundan, trans studio/Mall bandung, Horison Ultima
- Transportasi dekat dengan Stasiun Kiaracondong, dekat area retail dan SPBU
- Selling Price: Mohon hubungi kami untuk deal Harga Terbaik
- Rental Price: PLEASE CALL
- Contact: Gerald – 082129179698 (wa)
- WhatsApp: 082129179698
- E-mail: gerald@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on October 12th, 2023
By Admin, on August 22nd, 2023
- Office Building Name: Graha CIMB Niaga
- Location: Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.58 Jakarta Selatan
- Floor/View: Low&High zone, view Sudirman – Kawasan SCBD
- Size: 100 – 225 m2 Furnished / 1,600 Bare m2
- Condition: Fully Furnished / Bare
- Facility: Meeting Room, Financial Suite, Fitness Center, Medical Clinic, Tour & Travel, Bank, Restaurant, Coffee Shop, Food Court Kave 58, Mini Market/bakery, Hair Salon, Photocopy/Printing, Money Changer, ATM Center.
- Additional Info:
- Grade A Office Building:
- Strategic location (located in SCBD)
- Akses mudah, lokasi Jalan Jenderal Sudirman yang akan dilalui MRT
- Dekat Pusat Keuangan Indonesia Bursa Efek Jakarta
- Masuk dalam kawasan SCBD yang lengkap dengan Hotel, Mall, Supermarket dan Senopati pusat culiner
- Complete facilities and features
- Green Building Recognition (Platinum)
- Service Excellent
- Terms of payment : The rent, service charge and VAT are to be paid quarterly in advance.
- Office hours :
- 07.00 WIB – 18.00 WIB : Senin – Jumat
- 07.00 WIB – 13.00 WIB : Sabtu
- Selling Price: Please Call
- Rental Price:
- (Furnished) : Rp.350.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- (Bare/kosong) : Rp.275.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- (Bisa nego di Rentalnya) (Direct to Management)
- Service Charge: Rp 125.000 per sqm per month + VAT
- Contact: Gerald
0821-29179698 (WA) For The Best Price & Good Deal, pleasecall Office GNTU : Graha CIMB Niaga – Basement 1
- WhatsApp: 082129179698
- E-mail: gerald@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on February 7th, 2023
- Office Building Name: Sahid Sudirman Center
- Location: Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No. 86, Rt. 10/Rw. 11 Jakarta Selatan 10250
- Floor/View: –
- Size: 474.6 m2, 483.10 m2, 270 m2, 268 m2, 479.60 m2
- Condition: Bare Condition
- Facility:
- Gedung kantor baru 3000 sqm/lantai, Grade A dengan total 52 lantai.
- Terbagi atas Low-Medium-High zone, dengan total 16 unit lift.
- Air Condition dengan VRV System.
- VIP Toilet pada setiap lantai.
- Lobby mewah dengan coffee shop, bank / ATM, Starbuck, dan lain lain.
- Akses dekat ke stasiun MRT, Citywalk Mall, daerah komersiel di Jl. Jend Sudirman, MH Thamrin, Kuningan
- Bisa akses dari dua arah, Jl. Jend Sudirman dan KH Mas Mansyur.
- Security dengan CCTV 24 jam.
- Parkir gedung dan basement yang luas.
- Additional Info:
- Hubungi kami untuk menanyakan info lainnya seperti harga, luas, fasilitas, spesifikasi dan lainnnya
- Selling Price: Rp. 43.000.000 /m2 – Rp. 50.000.000 /m2
- Contact:
- Otin : 08118111278
- Kun : 081295496339
- WhatsApp: 081295496339
- E-mail: kunsuta@grahaniaga.co.id
By Admin, on February 6th, 2023